
As of October 2023, our counseling ministry is temporarily on hold. We are not making new appointments for counseling at this time, but please check back with us in January 2024 for updates.

Counseling Ministry

Welcome to the wonderful and exciting ministry of biblical counseling. 

Through it people’s lives are changed, families restored and Christ’s church strengthened.

Today, no matter where you look, people are battling with the problems of life. The church itself is not immune to these struggles. 

How should a believer think about depression, discord in marriage or parent–child conflicts? Where should a Christian turn for help?

Biblical counseling is “specified and targeted discipleship in the Word of God.” We begin with the infallible and inerrant Word of God. Building on this foundation we develop our understanding of who man is, the nature and definitions of his problems, methods used, and the goals set in and for the counseling.

There are thousands of pastors, laymen, doctors, counselors, and teachers who have realized the

significance and sufficiency of the Bible in addressing modern-day counseling needs.

You can reach our biblical counseling ministry by calling Rev. Henry Beaulieu at 912-489-8186.

Our Pastor of counseling

Rev. Henry Beaulieu is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He and his wife Gretchen have four children. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS in 1995 with a Masters of Divinity. In 1999, he received his certification as a Nouthetic Counselor and is currently a Fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Henry brings 19 years of pastoral and counseling experience to this ministry. Rev. Beaulieu also served as the Senior Army Chaplain (Colonel) for the Alabama Army National Guard and has extensive counseling experience with members of the armed services. He is an associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Our Goal

The goal of Trinity Presbyterian Church‘s counseling ministry is fourfold:

  1. To glorify God by showing forth the beauty, grace, and power of God through the sufficiency of His Word (2 Timothy 3:16) as it is applied to the counseling needs of His people and beyond.
  2. To equip the local church in using God’s Word to minister to the mental health/spiritual needs of individuals and families. (Ephesians 4:16, Romans 15:14)
  3. To provide resources that promote biblical counseling.
  4. To be a witness by demonstrating through local churches: that in Christ God has granted to His people “everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us….” 2 Peter 1:3, and that God’s Spirit ministering through His Word, sacraments, prayer, and fellowship is what believers need for personal change and spiritual growth for the trials of life.

Ministries Offered

The biblical counseling ministry of Trinity Presbyterian Church provides counseling for individual and family problems and training for those who desire to learn how to counsel others. Training is designed to equip the saints for the work of service, teaching them to apply Scripture to the daily battles they and others face. This training includes classes that teach the basics of biblical counseling and also mentoring in a supervised setting where they explore how to apply what they have learned.

It is our hope that a growing number of God’s people will be trained and certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (See “Additional Resources” below for more information on ACBC).

Frequently Asked questions

To learn more about counseling ministries at Trinity Presbyterian Church, see our list of frequently asked questions: Trinity Presbyterian Counseling Ministries – FAQ.

Trinity Presbyterian Church's
counseling training program

Rev. Beaulieu teaches counseling courses designed to help an officer or lay person in the church become competent to counsel. ACBC certification requires a minimum of 30 hours of lecture, completion of 1,000 pages of reading from their “Suggested Reading” list, 30 hours of directed/mentored counseling practicum, a theological exam, and a practical counseling exam.

For more information about Trinity Presbyterian Church’s counseling program, call Rev. Beaulieu at 912-489-8186.


“Competent to Counsel” by Jay Adams

“Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands” by Paul Tripp

“The Christian Counselors Manual” by Jay Adams

“A Theology of Christian Counseling” by Jay Adams

“Summary of Christian Doctrine” by Louis Berkhof


Introduction to Biblical Counseling


Family Systems

Expanded comments on biblical counseling

Counseling is “intensified, personalized discipleship in the Word of God.”

Biblical counseling reaches beyond the mere function of behavior to the worship of God. Biblical counseling, as we understand it, places a person’s spiritual condition as its first priority. We take seriously and address common struggles such as depression, anger, panic attacks and family discord, and at the same time we understand that these are fruits not roots. Their roots are deeply imbedded and entwined in our relationship with God, and they have their ultimate origin in our rebellion against Him. What are today called “mental health” issues are in reality heart/spiritual issues. To teach people to cope with their problems apart from addressing their personal relationship with God is to do them a great disservice. If they are believers, we have failed to point them to God and to help them see the glory of His power and grace in their lives. If the counselee does not have a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ, we do not want to teach him how to live better apart from God, rather we wish to show him the cross and teach him to live to the glory of God.

For example, people who struggle with being co-dependent must not only address unhealthy relationships to people, but they must also address their relationship to God. Behavior is the servant of the wants and desires of our heart. Those who wrestle with co-dependent behaviors must address such issues as their controlling desire for acceptance by other people; otherwise they will only substitute one unhealthy behavior for another. We call this controlling desire of the heart idolatry. Idolatry occurs any time we allow ourselves to be controlled by someone or something other than God. This is why we believe counseling of any depth must address issues of worship which are issues of the heart. The ultimate question is, to whom or to what are we bowing or serving? A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is, therefore, foundational to counseling and to lasting change.

True counseling then, is that which helps a person better understand the need of the Gospel everyday. It teaches faith and repentance as a way of life, and it results in a growing enjoyment of God. It is counseling that effects the heart of man, the center of our lives, the place out of which we believe, live, respond and hope (Proverbs 4:23). True counseling strives to bring about heart change which lasts because it is grounded in a personal and on-going relationship with God.

is the bible sufficient for counseling

Yes, the Bible is sufficient for and significant in meeting counseling needs which arise from non-organic (mental/spiritual, not physical, in nature) causes. All the problems mankind faces as the result of the Fall are summarized by Scripture under two main categories – physical and spiritual. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches us that “all Scripture…is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness.” Today this truth is being demonstrated in churches, homes and counseling centers all through the United States and in many parts of the world.

God has blessed us with both medical doctors trained to address physical problems and Christians trained by the Scripture to address the spiritual issues people face. At times medical people and biblical counselors need to work together as they address issues of the heart that are connected to issues of the body.

When marriages suffer, divorce is too often viewed as the only hope for personal peace and fulfillment. Yet, there is no reason two Christians should divorce in an attempt to find joy. The Bible says that God hates divorce and that His Word is sufficient to address any struggle while enabling believers to find greater peace and joy through honoring Him as they learn and implement His precepts for a healthy marriage. Even a believer married to an unbeliever can find peace and joy in Christ in the midst of trials. In certain situations God does approve of divorce, but these are far rarer than today’s divorce rate indicates.

Child rearing has been challenging throughout history. Again, the Scripture is eminently practical as it gives us clear principles with which to raise our children. While there are problems that can be extremely difficult to address, many times the primary issue is our attitude, not the problem itself. Counselors who use the Bible to structure their methods and define the problems, solutions and goals have had amazing results as they witnessed the power of God though His Word and by His Spirit to transform peoples’ lives and rebuild their families to the glory of God.

additional resources

  1. Why Biblical Counseling? by Dr. Craig R. Rowe – This article addresses just what the title implies. If you are not convinced there is a difference between biblical and secular counseling you will want to read this article.
  2. ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED BIBLICAL COUNSELORS – – A national certifying organization for biblical counselors. The site lists other counselors and training centers and conferences across the nation as well as other helpful resources.
  3. TIMELESS TEXT – – Offers the latest counseling books from a biblical perspective.
  4. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION – – CCEF is counseling and teaching organization that is blessed with some of the best minds in biblical counseling today. Their staff has produces such practical works as Shepherding a Child’s Heart, by Dr. Tedd Tripp and When People Are Big and God is Small, by Dr. Ed Welch. It will also introduce you to the Journal of Biblical Counseling, possibly the foremost journal of developing thought in the biblical counseling movement.
  5. INSTITUTE FOR BIBLICAL COUNSELING AND DISCIPLESHIP – – IBCD offers many resources for training and materials. They have an “ask the counselor” section, book reviews as well as other links you will find helpful.
  6. BIBLICAL COUNSELING CENTER – – BCC answers the top 10 questions they are asked plus other resource for training and materials.
  7. THE INSTITUTE FOR NOUTHETIC STUDIES – – INS offers various resources such as training, but it especially provides a wide range of helpful links.
  8. BIBLICAL MEDICAL ETHICS, INC – – BMEI will be of particular interest to those with medical training. It offers articles and other resources to help those in the medical field think through issues from a biblical perspective.