This course is designed help area pastors, elders, deacons, and other lay Christians become more biblically faithful and effective in their discipleship and counseling ministry. This course will introduce the student to the fundamental principles of Biblical (Nouthetic) Counseling, explain why Biblical Counseling is needed and how it differs from the prominent secular and religious counseling models, demonstrate the methodology involved in Biblical Counseling, explain the role of the Holy Spirit in counseling, and address some of the common counseling issues counselors typically work through with their clients. The goal is to equip the counselor to better “present every man mature in Christ.” (Col. 1:28; Rom 15:14). The complete syllabus is available here.
Beginning Saturday September 17 and subsequent dates:
Saturday, 22 October
Saturday, 19 November
Saturday, 10 December
Saturday, 21 January 2023
Class Time:
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
There will be 6 - hour long classes each class day with an hour break for lunch.
This will comprise 30 to 32 credit hours of academic instruction and will meet the necessary academic prerequisites for ACBC certification.
For all persons seeking ACBC certification, there will be a mid-term and final exam.
There will also be an assigned term paper due within 2 months of the course completion specifically targeted at applying classroom instruction.
$225.00 (general public)
$150.00 (Members
of TPC, Campus ministers, and GSU students)
Register by clicking on the image below
or by emailing the church office at info@tpcstatesboro.com.